iVis Ticket Platform
To receive the credentials to access the platform it’s necessary to send a formal request at webservices@ivistechnologies.com including First Name, Last Name, Email and Company Name of the registrant. After the verification of the data previously provided to our Customer Service, you will get directly in contact to the responsible that will provide your personal credentials.
Please try to search into your mailbox for noreply@ivistechnologies.com . Please search also into the SPAM. Sometimes could happen that a spam detector wrongly put “noreply” addresses in that folder.
Please contact the address webservices@ivistechnologies.com using the email address provided during the registration. A Customer Service Agent will immediately contact you.
You can always use the email address provided during the registration to access the platform. If not, please contact the address webservices@ivistechnologies.com using the email address provided during the registration.
Please click “Forgot your password?” under the Login Form. You will be redirected to our reset page where you can insert the email address provided during the registration. By selecting “Get New Password” you will receive by mail a link where you will be able to insert your new password.
Please access our platform with one of the following browser: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari. Try to clear the cache of your browser, then close and reopen it. If doesn’t work, please contact the address webservices@ivistechnologies.com using the email provided during the registration.
Please access our platform with one of the following browser: Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Safari. Try to clear the cache of your browser, then close and reopen it. If doesn’t work, please contact the address webservices@ivistechnologies.com using the email provided during the registration.
Please send a formal request at webservices@ivistechnologies.com including First Name, Last Name, Email and Company Name provided during the registration and the new UserID or email address. After the verification of the data previously provided to our Customer Service, you will receive an official communication by mail by a responsible.
Our Customer Service is available 24/7 and generally answer immediately at the customer tickets. If not, please login into the platform and update the ticket priority.
iVis Suite and cTen
How advanced are iVis Suite therapeutic & diagnostic products?
iVis Technologies is a pioneered industry leader and iRes 1 kHz laser is the fastest and extremely advanced excimer laser on the market. iVis 4D Suite platform has much to offer – with their sophisticated features and extraordinary performance, they set the standards in treatment’s safety and precision, and lead the field in pulse rate, beam profile, eye-tracking, safety and comfort. All these make the treatment of visual defects and irregularities on the cornea much faster, safer and more precise than was previously possible. The high quality of visual acuity and faster healing after c-Ten treatment with iVis 4D Suite have been confirmed in clinical studies.
Treatment with an iRes laser is basically painless. Your eye is numbed with eyedrops before treatment. You will probably feel a slight pressure sensation on your eyes, but it is not actual pain rather than discomfort. You may also feel like something is in your eye, but that feeling will go away quickly.
How long it takes depends on the treatment method. Your doctor can advise you in more detail on this. The actual lasering can take from a few seconds to about a minute, depending on the vision correction involved. Moreover, using our 1-step patented c-Ten procedure, the total time of a fully customized surgery including epithelium laser removal is less compared to other conventional methods.
With a c-Ten fully customized laser procedure, the eye surgeon can work very precisely and achieve a very smooth corneal surface in one-single step, which aids in the regeneration of the eye’s epithelium and speeds healing.